Join us for MVBC's AWANA program every Wednesday from 6:15-8:20pm
MVBC's Cubbies program hosts ages 3-5 as we teach them the foundation of who God is and his love for us. We also begin the basics of learning to memorize scripture.
MVBC's Sparks program hosts Kindersparks all the way through 2nd Grade! WE work along side them to teach them the basics of God's word and how to memorize scriputre.
MVBC's T&T program leads kids in grades 3-5 through workbooks that teach them and train them to write God's word on their hearts. We start diving deeper into who God is as well his eternal plan of redemption for our lives.
MVBC's Trek (Grades 6-8) & Journey (Grades 9-12) programs begin turning AWANA kids into AWANA leaders. We give them practical tools to begin learning how to be a leader among their peers and how to rightly divide the word of truth.